Less than a month
I haven't even attended the Innovator Academy yet - this is just the lead up to it!
There are so many things I can talk about for my innovator journey and it is tempting to list all the exciting and challenging things I have done. Were I to do that, I think it would spoil the surprise for future cohorts of innovators so I am going to talk about only one element that is extremely significant but gives very little away - just tantalising glimpse of the delights if you are thinking about applying.
Everyone joins a discussion group when they became an Innovator in waiting - an Innowaitor! This discussion group is to discussion groups what The Big One in Blackpool is to roller coasters!
It is so exciting and you can find everything there: kindness, humour, challenge, rants, encouragement, wisdom, frustration, confusion and the list goes on. The strangest thing is that there are times when it swamps you and trying to keep up is hard work but the rewards are great because I already feel connected to these people. This band of brothers and sisters, fellow explorers into the great challenges of education, striving to find a solution to some really big problems and not shrinking away from something just because it is difficult. It has really enlivened me and I now feel even more excited about meeting them all in person in mid-July.
Does this little vignette of the process prick your interest? If so, why not apply yourself. All the information you need can be found here:
Go on! Buckle in and start the ride!
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